Body Fat Analyzer
Tanita TBF300GS - - For high schools, colleges, and fitness centers, the TBF 300-GS has a 440-lb weight capacity with adult mode (for adults aged 18 and older who have moderately active to inactive lifestyles), * *athlete mode (special calibration for very fit adults), and the special wrestler mode. The scale can print fat mass, fat-free mass, fat percentage, total body water, raw impedance, basal metabolic rate (BMR), and desirable ranges. Also has a weight-only function. Goal Setter feature calculates the fat mass that should be lost or gained to achieve a pre-selected target body fat percentage. Wrestler Mode calculates the "Minimum Wrestling Weight" at a predetermined body fat percentage. The 1996 ACSM Position Stand "Weight Loss in Wrestlers," as adopted by the NCAA, recommends the following minimum body fat percentages: 5 percent for collegiate athletes and 7 percent for high school athletes.
* * NOTE: Tanita's "athlete" is someone who gets about 10 hours a week of intense physical activity (this can be exercise, work or leisure related). "Athletes" also have a resting heart rate of about 60 beats per minute or less. The mode includes people who have been very fit for years, but currently exercise less than 10 hours per week. It does not include "enthusiastic beginners" who recently started making a real commitment to exercising 10 hours per week, but whose bodies have not yet changed enough to qualify for the Athlete mode. |
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